
Ongoing Anxiety

Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life - like a rapid heartbeat ahead of a public speaking event, or stress due to an important work deadline.

But sometimes our anxiety begins to take a toll on our mental and physical health, and disrupt our daily lives. In this case, it's important to understand why this is happening, and develop strategies to cope.

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Anxiety is the most common mental health challenge experienced in the United States.

40 million people experience symptoms of anxiety, and many of them aren't sure why or how to resolve it. Additionally, we are seeing increased prevalence of anxiety in younger generations, mainly due to the rise in technology.

Anxiety is defined as Intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations and can range from mild to severe.

It’s important to note that whether your anxiety is mild, moderate, or severe – if it’s affecting your quality of life, you deserve to take the steps necessary to experience relief.

Reducing your anxiety takes education and practice.

In some cases, our anxiety can be biologically inherited. In others, it's caused by our environment. Sometimes anxiety is induced by the choices we're making, and other times there's seemingly no explanation for it.

Once we break down where your anxiety is coming from, our goal is to help you help your mind and your body feel calm and safe.


Through a symptom-focused approach,

we will help you take control of your anxiety.

Using self-regulation and co-regulation techniques, we help individuals understand the different types of anxiety that exist, identify where their anxiety is coming from, learn the science behind healing anxiety, and develop the tools necessary to establish safety. 

In addition to in-person sessions, we utilize the Noble app to offer treatment plans (or "Therapy Roadmaps") that include self-guided content, automated lessons, action items, assignments, and other forms of between-session support.

How it works:

Keep making progress – between sessions

Roadmaps offer daily assignments that help you learn the art of staying consistent in your journey for the long haul. We believe that recovery and healing is a marathon, not a sprint, and should be worked at slowly and consistently over time for the best results.

Actionable interventions to help you put your learning to practice

Journaling prompts and action items scattered throughout the Roadmap give you an opportunity to reflect upon and practice what you've been learning while deepening your healing.

More effective one-on-one sessions

Check-ins in each section of your Roadmap help you stay present in your journey, monitor progress, and pinpoint areas that you may need to work on more in your next session, while the ability for your therapist to review your journaling responses and track your progress allows for more tailored and effective one-on-one sessions.

We'll help you learn:

  • Signs, symptoms, and causes of anxiety
  • Types of anxiety disorders
  • The science of healing
  • Self-regulation and co-regulation
  • How to conquer social anxiety
  • Strategies for managing GAD, OCD, PTSD, and panic attacks
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